December 31, 2011

day 7 | S for Sewing, M for Machine :D

S for Sewing, M for Machine. sewing machine is something special for people who are lazy to sew, like me. are you even imagine it, complicated as what is in the sewing machine? so, i think sewing machine is includes to the sophisticated tools. the problem is, how to use the sophisticated tool? luckily, i have a brother who has a girlfriend that like mbak titaa. she's smart to make beautiful dress:D

On friday, i went to her house to learn using the sewing machine. what is the result? the result, that i can make a new clothes for my cat. actually, i have many cats, but i only made one._. here it is:

hihihi xD mbak tita's cat, Jordan:D


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December 31, 2011

day 7 | S for Sewing, M for Machine :D

S for Sewing, M for Machine. sewing machine is something special for people who are lazy to sew, like me. are you even imagine it, complicated as what is in the sewing machine? so, i think sewing machine is includes to the sophisticated tools. the problem is, how to use the sophisticated tool? luckily, i have a brother who has a girlfriend that like mbak titaa. she's smart to make beautiful dress:D

On friday, i went to her house to learn using the sewing machine. what is the result? the result, that i can make a new clothes for my cat. actually, i have many cats, but i only made one._. here it is:

hihihi xD mbak tita's cat, Jordan:D


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